5 Qualities of a Great Cyber Security Specialist

Is your business at risk? If you haven’t properly secured your business from the threat of a cybersecurity breach, you risk massive exposure.

If you’re ready to ensure that your business is safe from these cybersecurity threats, you may want to consider hiring a cybersecurity specialist. With so many choices to choose from, we’ve compiled a list to help you prioritize your options.

Read on to learn the top qualities you’ll want to see in your cybersecurity specialist.

1. Cybersecurity Experience

Becoming a great cybersecurity analyst isn’t something that happens overnight. While the field is constantly changing and new threats are created every day, you’ll want to ensure that your specialist has adequate expertise.

You’ll want to ensure that your choice has experience working with companies that operate at a similar scale to your own. After all, managing threats for a small business is far different than ensuring the safety of a multinational company.

2. Can They Think Like a Hacker?

One of the most attractive attributes of a great cybersecurity analyst is the ability to think like a hacker. Yes, “black hat” thinking is one of the commonly shared traits of brilliant cybersecurity professionals.

Thinking like a hacker giver your analyst the ability to anticipate security threats before they happen and recognize the weak spots in your digital assets.

3. Aversion to Black and White Thinking

Having a cybersecurity specialist that thinks outside the box is important. Even more so, it’s important to select someone who is able to move outside their comfort zone if faced with a problem they are unable to remedy themselves.

You don’t want to end up with a specialist that throws up their hands and says “this is outside my skill set. I can’t fix this” when a major threat occurs. You’ll want to ensure that your analyst doesn’t hit the wall when faced with a threat that they’re unable to solve.

In the employee screening process, you may want to ask them what their strategy would be in a similar situation.

4. Good Communication

While you may see “good communicator” listed on more resumes than you can count, this soft skill is extremely important with the cybersecurity field. After all, it’s unlikely that the majority of your employees have the same level of IT experience.

Because of this, it is extremely important that your cybersecurity specialist has the ability to articulate things in easy to follow instructions. This could include creating an easy to follow action plan to help your employees secure accounts after a breach.

5. Pick a Cybersecurity Specialist That Thrives Under Pressure

Another great attribute of a great security analyst is the ability to perform under pressure. Having a cool and calm demeanor when a major threat occurs can make all the difference when dealing with a potential breach.

Pick a cybersecurity specialist that thrives under pressure and you’ll feel secure if and when a threat occurs.

Protect Your Business from the Threat of Hackers

If you’re looking to protect your business from cybersecurity threats, a great cybersecurity specialist is your best defense. To learn more about cybersecurity threats and how to prevent them, be sure to visit our website.

We offer lots of great resources to help keep you and your business safe from cybersecurity threats.